Jekyll 2024-10-21 - MacOS CryptoTokenKit Changelog SignPath GmbH,2024-10-21:macos_cryptotokenkit:2.0 SignPath macOS CryptoTokenKit 2.0 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 New Release: 2.0 <div> <h2>New Release: 2.0</h2><h3>Breaking Changes / Manual migration steps:</h3><ul><li> <p>Renamed the command-line parameters to align with the other client tools.</p> </li></ul><h3>New Features:</h3><ul><li> <p>Added support for sha1 signatures required for productsign.</p> </li><li> <p>Added support for HTTP timeout and retry configuration.</p> </li></ul><h3>Improvements:</h3><ul><li> <p>Improved logging and logging configuration.</p> </li></ul><h3>Bug Fixes:</h3><ul><li> <p>Fixed a bug that prevented multiple certificates from being loaded at once.</p> </li><li> <p>Fixed a bug where the application failed when provided with an invalid configuration file.</p> </li></ul></div>,2024-03-18:macos_cryptotokenkit:1.0 SignPath macOS CryptoTokenKit 1.0 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 New Release: 1.0 <div> <h2>New Release: 1.0</h2><h3>New Features:</h3><ul><li> <p>Initial release</p> </li></ul></div>