
Documentation  ❯  Build System Integration


This section describes how SignPath can be integrated into automated builds using continuous integration software. You can use the PowerShell module provided by SignPath, directly call the Web API to submit signing requests, or integrate SignPath as part of your AppVeyor build step.

Locating ID values

All necessary IDs can be found on the signing policy details page, including a code snippet that calls the PowerShell module.


You need an API token to access the API, whether directly or through any connector.

The following options are available:


PowerShell Gallery

See the SignPath PowerShell reference.


In case the PowerShell module is not sufficient, you can communicate directly with our API by calling our public HTTP REST endpoints.

Base URL and authentication uses bearer authentication.

Common API arguments Value
Base URL$(OrganizationId)
Authorization HTTP header Authorization: Bearer $(token)

You need to provide these values for every single API request.

Submit a signing request

URL /SigningRequests
Method POST
Encoding multipart/form-data
Field name Description
ProjectSlug The project for which you want to create the signing request
SigningPolicySlug Signing policy for which you want to create the signing request
ArtifactConfigurationSlug Optional: artifact configuration to use for the signing request (default if not specified)
Artifact Artifact file
Description Optional: description for your signing request (e.g. version number)


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
     -F "ProjectSlug=$PROJECT" \
     -F "SigningPolicySlug=test-signing" \
     -F "ArtifactConfigurationSlug=v2.4" \
     -F "Artifact=@$PATH_TO_ARTIFACT" \
     -F "Description=$DESCRIPTION" \$ORGANIZATION_ID/SigningRequests

Success result: HTTP status code 201. A HTTP Location response-header field is returned with the URL of the created entity.

User-defined parameters

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway, Open Source Code Signing.

Values for user-defined parameters in the artifact configuration can be provided by adding another multipart/form-data field prefixed with Parameters.

Example: -F "Parameters[productVersion]=1.2.0"

Get signing request data

URL /SigningRequests/$(SigningRequestId)
(Location response-header from the call that submitted the signing request)
Method GET
Parameters none


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \$ORGANIZATION_ID/SigningRequests/$SIGNING_REQUEST_ID

Success result: HTTP status code 200. Signing request data in JSON format:

  "description":"Called by cURL",
  "projectName":"Test project",
  "origin": {
    "buildData": {
      "buildSettingsFile": {
        "downloadLink": "",
        "fileName": "AppVeyorSettings.json"
      "url": ""
    "repositoryData": {
      "url": "",
      "branchName": "main",
      "commitId": "efe8bbc00c5484bfd38ce13a749ea2103a8ea713",
      "sourceControlManagementType": "git"
  "parameters": {
    "param1": "value1",
    "param2": "value2"
  • Available status values: InProgress, WaitingForApproval, Completed, Failed, Denied, Canceled
  • Available workflowStatus values: Submitted, RetrievingArtifact, WaitingForApproval, QueuedForMalwareScanning, ScanningForMalware, QueuedForProcessing, Processing, Completed, ProcessingFailed, MalwareScanFailed, MalwareDetected, ArtifactRetrievalFailed, Denied, Canceled
  • origin is only available for signing requests with origin verification

Download the signed artifact

Once the signing request is successfully completed, the status response contains a signedArtifactLink field with a link to the signed artifact file. It can easily be retrieved by issuing the following command:

URL /SigningRequests/$(SigningRequestId)/SignedArtifact
(signedArtifactLink field from GET SigningRequests/id)
Method GET
Parameters none


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \

Success result: HTTP status code 200. Returns the binary content of the signed artifact.

Resubmit a signing request

See Resubmit an existing signing request for more information.

URL /SigningRequests/Resubmit
Method POST
Encoding multipart/form-data
OriginalSigningRequestId The ID of the signing request which you want to resubmit
SigningPolicySlug Signing policy for which you want to create the signing request
Description Optional: description for your signing request (e.g. version number)


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
     -F "OriginalSigningRequestId=$ORIGINAL_SIGNING_REQUEST_ID" \
     -F "SigningPolicySlug=release-signing" \
     -F "Description=$DESCRIPTION" \$ORGANIZATION_ID/SigningRequests/Resubmit

Success result: HTTP status code 201. A HTTP Location response-header field is returned with the URL of the created entity.

CI integrations with origin verification

Origin Verification ensures that a signed artifact is the result of building a specific source code version.

It provides verified origin metadata including:

  • The repository, branch and commit ID of the source code that was built
  • The URL and configuration of the build that created the signing request

SignPath supports the following Trusted Build Systems with origin verification:

Other CI integrations

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps installations

For Azure DevOps, you can use build pipeline tasks from the official SignPath extension on Visual Studio Marketplace.

Webhook notifications

If you want to react on completed signing requests, you can add a Webhook notification in your project’s Integration section.

For each completed signing request, SignPath will post the following JSON information to the specified URL:

  "OrganizationId": "094f5736-6b8c-4ca7-9514-0933c8b928e2",
  "SigningRequestId": "b4596ce6-1b8d-4527-9cce-16b3e174fb3d",
  "Status": "Completed"

Status changes triggers

Notifications are sent for the following status changes: Completed, Failed, Denied and Canceled.

A handler for this Webhook can use the Web API for further activities, such as pushing the signed artifact to a repository. Use the Web API to get signing request data including build information.

Webhook authentication

Webhooks will send the Authentication header exactly as specified. Don’t forget to add the method, for example:

Bearer JEAG1OrTXZ/t4URp5URt40DLBlA3WtcJmbwfeosyBkTABr6r

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