
Documentation  ❯  PowerShell cmdlets   ❯   Submit-SigningRequest

Submits a new signing request or resubmits an existing one via the SignPath REST API.


Upload an input artifact

Use -InputArtifact to directly upload the artifact from the specified local file.

    -InputArtifactPath <String>
        (-ProjectSlug <String> -SigningPolicySlug <String> [-ArtifactConfigurationSlug <String>] )
        | (-SigningPolicyId <String> [-ArtifactConfigurationId <String>] )
        [-Origin <Hashtable>]
        -OutputArtifactPath <String>
        [-WaitForCompletionTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 
    -OrganizationId <String> -ApiToken <String> [-ClientCertificate <X509Certificate2>]
    [-ApiUrl <String>] 
    [-Description <String>] 
    [-Parameters <Hashtable>] 
    [-ServiceUnavailableTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] [-UploadAndDownloadRequestTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 
    [-CancellationTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 

Provide a URL to retrieve the artifact

Use -ArtifactRetrievalLink to instruct SingPath to download the artifact from the specified URL.

    -ArtifactRetrievalLink <String> 
        -ArtifactRetrievalLinkFileName <String> 
        [-ArtifactRetrievalLinkSha256Hash <String>] 
        [-ArtifactRetrievalLinkHttpHeaders <Hashtable>]
        (-ProjectSlug <String> -SigningPolicySlug <String> [-ArtifactConfigurationSlug <String>] )
        | (-SigningPolicyId <String> [-ArtifactConfigurationId <String>] )
        [-Origin <Hashtable>]
        -OutputArtifactPath <String>
        [-WaitForCompletionTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 
    -OrganizationId <String> -ApiToken <String> [-ClientCertificate <X509Certificate2>]
    [-ApiUrl <String>] 
    [-Description <String>] 
    [-Parameters <Hashtable>] 
    [-ServiceUnavailableTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] [-UploadAndDownloadRequestTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 
    [-CancellationTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 

Resubmit an existing singing request

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Open Source Code Signing.

Use -Resubmit to create a new signing request based on an existing signing request, but typically using a different signing policy (read more.).

        -OriginalSigningRequestId <String> 
        (-SigningPolicySlug <String>) | (-SigningPolicyId <String>)
        -OutputArtifactPath <String>
        [-WaitForCompletionTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 
    -OrganizationId <String> -ApiToken <String> [-ClientCertificate <X509Certificate2>]
    [-ApiUrl <String>] 
    [-Description <String>] 
    [-Parameters <Hashtable>] 
    [-ServiceUnavailableTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] [-UploadAndDownloadRequestTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 
    [-CancellationTimeoutInSeconds <Int32>] 


The Submit-SigningRequest cmdlet creates a new signing request. The signing request will be processed by SignPath according to authorization and policy rules.

Creating a new signing request vs. re-signing

When using the -InputArtifactPath or -ArtifactRetrievalLink parameter, the specified file will be used for processing.

When using the -Resubmit parameter, the specified signing request will be processed again using the specified signing policy. This is especially useful for conditional signing of release candidates. See Resubmit an existing signing request for more information.

Downloading the signed artifact

Processing a signing request may take several minutes, or even longer if manual approval is required. You can either

  • your own logic to wait for processing to complete and download the signed artifact using the Get-SignedArtifact cmdlet afterwards,
  • or use the -WaitForCompletion parameter of this cmdlet to wait for processing and then download the signed artifact in a single call.



Signing policies in the SignPath Web application show basic Submit-SigningRequest calls with essential parameters.

Parameter Type Description Default value Editions
-InputArtifactPath String Local path of the artifact you want to sign    
-ArtifactRetrievalLink String URL to download the artifact you want to sign    
-ArtifactRetrievalLinkFileName String File name of the artifact    
-ArtifactRetrievalLinkSha256Hash String Optional hexadecimal file hash of the artifact (is specified, must match retrieved artifact)    
-ArtifactRetrievalLinkHttpHeaders Hashtable Optional HTTP headers to use when downloading the artifact    
-ProjectSlug String Slug of the project    
-SigningPolicySlug String Slug of one of the project’s signing policies    
-ArtifactConfigurationSlug String Slug of one of the project’s artifact configurations Project’s default artifact configuration  
-SigningPolicyId String ID of a project’s signing policy    
-ArtifactConfigurationId String ID of one of the project’s artifact configurations Project’s default artifact configuration  
-Origin Hashtable Information about the origin of the artifact, see below    

Slugs or IDs

Use either slugs or IDs, don’t mix them.

Automated builds version control

Consider using these sources if you are using automated builds:

  • Artifact configuration: version management. Create new versions of your artifact configuration for breaking changes and let your code determine the version to use. This ensures that signing will continue to work for older versions of your application while the artifact configuration evolves. If the script that invokes this cmdlet is under version control, it might be a better idea to have the artifact configuration slug hard coded in the script than to get it from a CI variable.
  • Signing policy: CI parameter. If you take the signing policy from a Continuous Integration/Build Automation parameter, you can use the same script and cmdlet invocation for different build configurations, such as test and release.

Values for -Origin parameter

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway. Required for Open Source Code Signing.

This parameter should only be used from a Trusted Build System.

Parameter Description
RepositoryData.SourceControlManagementType Type of source control management (SCM) or version control system (VCS), e.g. git
RepositoryData.Url URL of the source code repository, must match project settings for origin verification
RepositoryData.BranchName Branch name for the build, must match signing policy settings for origin verification
RepositoryData.CommitId Commit ID for the build
BuildData.Url URL of the CI system
BuildData.BuildSettingsFile File containing build configuration settings not accessible through SCM/VCS. Use @ prefix to reference a local file, e.g. @build/settings.json

Parameters can either be passed as named above, or using nested hashtables (see example).

Parameters with -Resubmit

Parameter Type Description Default value
-Resubmit Switch Re-sign an existing signing request false
-OriginalSigningRequestId String ID of the signing request that should be resubmitted  
-SigningPolicySlug String Slug of one of the original project’s signing policies  
-SigningPolicyId String ID of one of the original project’s signing policies  

Note: Use either slugs or IDs, don’t mix.

Parameters with -WaitForCompletion

Parameter Type Description Default value
-WaitForCompletion Switch Wait for the signing request to complete false
-OutputArtifactPath String Specifies the target path for the downloaded signed artifact InputArtifactPath with an added .signed extension
-Force Switch Allows the cmdlet to overwrite the file at OutputArtifactPath false
-WaitForCompletionTimeoutInSeconds Int32 Maximum time in seconds that the cmdlet will wait for the signing request to complete (upload and download have no specific timeouts) 600 seconds

Common parameters

Parameter Type Description Default value Editions
-OrganizationId String ID of your SignPath organization    
-ApiToken String API token of an interactive or CI user    
-ClientCertificate X509Certificate2 Client certificate used for a secure Web API request. Not supported by directly, use for proxies.    
-ApiUrl String URL to the SignPath REST API  
-Description String Optional description of the signing request    
-Parameters Hashtable Values for parameters defined in the artifact configuration    
-ServiceUnavailableTimeoutInSeconds Int32 Total time in seconds that the cmdlet will wait for a single service call to succeed (across several retries) 600 seconds  
-UploadAndDownloadRequestTimeoutInSeconds Int32 HTTP timeout used for upload and download HTTP requests 300 seconds  
-CancellationTimeoutInSeconds Int32 Timeout in seconds before the signing request gets cancelled (from submission; specify 0 for no timeout) if -WaitForCompletion is specified: -WaitForCompletionTimeoutInSeconds value; otherwise: none  


Example 1: Submit a signing request and wait for completion

Submit-SigningRequest `
    -InputArtifactPath $PATH_TO_INPUT_ARTIFACT `
    -ProjectSlug $PROJECT -SigningPolicySlug $SIGNING_POLICY -ArtifactConfigurationSlug $ARTIFACT_CONFIG `
    -WaitForCompletion -OutputArtifactPath $PATH_TO_OUTPUT_ARTIFACT `
    -OrganizationId $ORGANIZATION_ID -ApiToken $API_TOKEN 
Submit-SigningRequest `
    -ArtifactRetrievalLink "" `
    -ArtifactRetrievalLinkFileName "my program.exe" `
    -ArtifactRetrievalLinkSha256Hash (Get-FileHash "./my program.exe" -Algorithm SHA256).Hash `
    -ArtifactRetrievalLinkHttpHeaders @{
      "Authorization" = "$RETRIEVAL_AUTHORIZATION"
    } `
    -ProjectSlug $PROJECT -SigningPolicySlug $SIGNING_POLICY -ArtifactConfigurationSlug $ARTIFACT_CONFIG `
    -WaitForCompletion -OutputArtifactPath $PATH_TO_OUTPUT_ARTIFACT `
    -OrganizationId $ORGANIZATION_ID -ApiToken $API_TOKEN 

Example 3: Separate calls for submission and retrieval

Submit a signing request and get a signing request ID without waiting for completion …

$signingRequestID = Submit-SigningRequest `
    -InputArtifactPath $PATH_TO_INPUT_ARTIFACT ` 
    -ProjectSlug $PROJECT -SigningPolicySlug $SIGNING_POLICY -ArtifactConfigurationSlug $ARTIFACT_CONFIG `
    -OrganizationId $ORGANIZATION_ID -ApiToken $API_TOKEN

… and download the signed artifact later

Get-SignedArtifact `
    -SigningRequestId $signingRequestID `
    -OutputArtifactPath $PATH_TO_OUTPUT_ARTIFACT `
    -OrganizationId $ORGANIZATION_ID -ApiToken $API_TOKEN 

Example 4: Resubmit an existing signing request with a different signing policy

  Submit-SigningRequestResubmit `
    -Resubmit -OriginalSigningRequestId $ORIGINAL_SIGNING_REQUEST_ID `
    -SigningPolicySlug $SIGNING_POLICY `
    -WaitForCompletion `
    -OutputArtifactPath $PATH_TO_OUTPUT_ARTIFACT `
    -OrganizationId $ORGANIZATION_ID -ApiToken $API_TOKEN 

Example 5: Provide user-defined parameters and origin verification

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway, Open Source Code Signing.

$signingRequestID = Submit-SigningRequest `
    -InputArtifactPath $PATH_TO_INPUT_ARTIFACT `
    -ProjectSlug $PROJECT -SigningPolicySlug $SIGNING_POLICY -ArtifactConfigurationSlug $ARTIFACT_CONFIG `
    -Parameters @{ 
        } `
    -Origin @{
    } `
    -OrganizationId $ORGANIZATION_ID -ApiToken $API_TOKEN 

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