
Documentation  ❯  Managing Users


SignPath supports the following type of users:

  • Interactive users can log into the web application to perform various activities depending on their role
  • CI users are used to integrate with CI systems and other applications through SignPath’s REST APIs
  • The support user account is used to grant (and revoke) access for SignPath support staff

Interactive users

An interactive user account is required for people who administer your SignPath organization or interact with the application, such as submitters or approvers. Typically, most software developers will not directly use SignPath on a regular basis, but rather interact with the SCM and CI systems that integrate with SignPath.

User accounts and SignPath organizations

To get access to an existing SignPath organizations, users must be invited or synchronized.

Only sign up for a new user account if you want to evaluate SignPath using a free trial subscrition.

User account type Provider How to use Editions
Social account Google or Microsoft Click Google or Microsoft to use an existing user account  
Username and password Okta provided by SignPath Click Sign up at first use, then enter email address as Username  
Enterprise single sign-on Your Organization’s identity provider Enter email address as Username Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway

A user account may be used for one or more SignPath organizations.

Account unification

All social accounts and username/password accounts using the same email address are considered the same account.


When a user is added to a SignPath organization manually, an invitation email is sent to the user.

  • On the Users and Groups page, click Invite user.
  • Enter the name and email address.

Accepting invitations:

  • Users must use the invitation within 14 days. After that, a new invitation must be sent for security reasons (click Reinvite on the user’s page).
  • Users must sign in to accept an invitation. If they are already signed in, they have the option to sign out and use another account to login first. Accepting the invitation will link the organization’s user to the active user account.

Directory synchronization

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway.

SignPath provides synchronization with Microsoft Entra ID/Azure Active Directory via SCIM. This allows you to perform user management in your organization’s directory and use existing users and groups.

See directory synchronization.

API tokens

Users can add API tokens to their own user account:

  • Click your user name (upper right corner) and choose My profile
  • Click Generate token in the API Token section

Remember your token

API tokens are only displayed when generated. Store them in a safe location. If an API token is lost, you need to regenerate it, potentially invalidating existing configurations using the previous token.

We recommend using a password safe for personal API tokens.

CI users

CI user accounts are primarily used to integrate SignPath into your build automation.

They can also be used for other automation tasks. You may need to consider adding roles to CI users for those.

CI users can only authenticate with an API token.

Remember your token

API tokens are only displayed when generated. Store them in a safe location. If an API token is lost, you need to regenerate it, potentially invalidating existing configurations using the previous token.

We recommend that you store API tokens used for CI integration in your CI system’s build settings as secret values.

Account unification

We recommend using a dedicated CI user per project, but you may opt to share CI users for all projects in a team.

If you don’t use origin verification, you should create a CI user per signing policy and strongly restrict access to the user’s API token through your CI systems secrets configuration.

Example: Assume Team 1 has two projects A and B, each with test-signing and release-signing signing policies. Consider creating CI users as follows:

Using origin verification CI user per project CI user per team
Yes PrjA, PrjB Team1
No PrjA-test, PrjA-release, PrjB-test, PrjB-release Team1-test, Team1-release

Support users

By default, the SignPath support team does not have access to your data.

If you require assistance from our support team, please

  • go to your organization page (click the organization name in the upper right corner)
  • select Authorize support user in the More menu on your organization page

The support user account has administrative privileges. If you disable it after your issue is resolved, please remember to enable it for your next support request.

Please always mention your Organization ID in support requests.

User roles

Role Global permissions Consider assigning to
Global Administrator Control the entire SignPath organization Subscription owner
Certificate Administrator Certificate management PKI team
User Administrator User management (cannot modify synchronized objects) User management
Project Administrator Project and policy configuration, Docker repository management Dev/DevOps policy owners
Global Reader Read all information, including signing requests artifacts for all projects and signing policies Auditors
Regular User No global permissions Team members and administrators
Directory Synchronizer User management Directory synchronization account

Global Administrators have the following permissions:

  • Combined permissions of the limited administrator roles (certificate, user and project)
  • Trusted build system management
  • Delete the SignPath organization

User Administrators may assign permissions exceeding their own

This role can assign roles to itself or other users. Since most roles include some permissions beyond that of User Administrator, any person with this role can escalate their own permissions by assigning roles to their own account or to users accounts they create specifically for this purpose. While this will be visible and detectable in audit logs, we suggest assigning this role carefully.

We suggest using directory synchronization as the primary means of user and group administration for large teams and organizations.

Role distribution hints

  • User administration may be performed in your organization’s directory and synchronized to SignPath.
  • Project administration may be performed by a dedicated team. Creating projects and policies, and assigning certificates based on these policies, should be performed based on your organization’s policies and approval processes. Day to day configuration changes may be delegated via each project’s configurators role.


In addition to these global user roles, the following permissions are assigned per project or signing policy:

Read permissions:

  • All users can view configuration information and metadata
  • Access to artifacts is restricted to users with read permissions for the signing request
  • Users have read permissions for a Signing Request if they have
    • an appropriate global role: Administrator, Global Reader
    • a role for the Project: ReaderConfigurator
    • a role for the Signing Policy: Submitter, Approver


SignPath will inform you and your team about signing requests. Every user can select the notification level for each signing policy separately. The following options are available:

  • All: You receive all notifications for the signing request
  • Default: See below
  • None: You don’t receive any notifications

Default notifications

By default, only users who participate in the signing request as either a submitter or an approver will receive notifications.

  • Approvers are informed when a signing request needs to be approved, when the number of required approvals has been reached or when the signing request has been denied. The person who performed the final approval is also notified when the signing request has completed or failed or when it is retried.
  • Submitters receive notifications for all status changes of the signing request.

Audit logs

SignPath maintains a full audit log for each signing request, but also for administrative changes (users, certificates, projects, signing policies and artifact configurations).

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