
Trusted Build Systems  ❯  GitHub


  • The Trusted Build System must be enabled in the organization and linked to the respective project (see the configuration section).
  • The used artifact configuration must have a <zip-file> element at its root, as all artifacts are packaged as ZIP archives on GitHub by default.

GitHub Enterprise

SignPath hosts an instance of the GitHub connector which is linked to For integrating self-hosted GitHub Enterprise instances, contact our support team.

Performed checks

The GitHub connector performs the following checks:

  • A build was actually performed by a GitHub workflow, not by some other entity in possession of the API token
  • Origin metadata is provided by GitHub, not the build script, and can therefore not be forged
  • The artifact is stored as a GitHub workflow artifact before it is submitted for signing
  • For OSS projects: All jobs of the GitHub worfklow leading up to the signing request were executed on GitHub-hosted agents


We provide a submit-signing-request action that can be integrated into a GitHub Actions workflow:

  # required for the artifact to be available on the GitHub server
- name: upload-unsigned-artifact
  id: upload-unsigned-artifact
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
    path: path/to/your/artifact

- id: optional_step_id
  uses: signpath/github-action-submit-signing-request@v1
    api-token: '${{ secrets.SIGNPATH_API_TOKEN }}'
    organization-id: '<SignPath organization id>'
    project-slug: '<SignPath project slug>'
    signing-policy-slug: '<SignPath signing policy slug>'
    github-artifact-id: '${{ steps.upload-unsigned-artifact.outputs.artifact-id }}'
    wait-for-completion: true
    output-artifact-directory: '/path/to/signed/artifact/directory'

Action input parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
connector-url The URL of the SignPath connector. Required if self-hosted.
api-token (mandatory) The Api Token for a user with submitter permissions in the specified project/signing policy.
organization-id (mandatory) The SignPath organization ID.
project-slug (mandatory) The SignPath project slug.
signing-policy-slug (mandatory) The SignPath signing policy slug.
artifact-configuration-slug   The SignPath artifact configuration slug. If not specified, the default is used.
github-artifact-id (mandatory) ID of the Github Actions artifact. Must be uploaded using the actions/upload-artifact v4+ action before it can be signed. Use ${{ steps.<step-id>.outputs.artifact-id }} from the preceding actions/upload-artifact action step.
wait-for-completion (mandatory) If true, the action will wait for the signing request to complete. Defaults to true.
output-artifact-directory   Path to where the signed artifact will be extracted. If not specified, the task will not download the signed artifact from SignPath.
github-token   GitHub access token used to read job details and download the artifact. Defaults to the secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN. Requires the action:read and content:read permissions.
wait-for-completion-timeout-in-seconds 600 Maximum time in seconds that the action will wait for the signing request to complete.
service-unavailable-timeout-in-seconds 600 Total time in seconds that the action will wait for a single service call to succeed (across several retries).
download-signed-artifact-timeout-in-seconds 300 HTTP timeout when downloading the signed artifact. Defaults to 5 minutes.
parameters   Multiline-string of values that map to user-defined parameters in the Artifact Configuration. Use one line per parameter with the format <name>: "<value>" where <value> needs to be a valid JSON string.

Action output parameters

The action supports the following output parameters:

  • signing-request-id: The id of the newly created signing request
  • signing-request-web-url: The url of the signing request in SignPath
  • signpath-api-url: The base API url of the SignPath API
  • signed-artifact-download-url: The url of the signed artifact in SignPath

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